Release 1 (MVP): Initial re-release with all of the legacy functionality - Ensure all error conditions are verbose - Finalize the styling (including print, mobile, and dark mode) - Ensure all error messages make sense - Ensure that no keys are included in releasable artifacts - Refine the "About" page <> Release 2 (MVP+1): Initial round of enhanced functionality for free users - Implement feedback form - Implement toast log and ability to attach it to feedback - Implement MySQL-based backend - Implement log-in (local) - Implement sign-up (local) - Implement paste-from-Excel on the component list - Fit and finish -- Tweak the toast timing to be more reasonable (particularly the green ones) -- Adjust all styling to use px/rem/% units instead of pt/in << Current development state>> Release 3 (MVP+2): User interface enhancements - Implement user profile page -- List of submitted feedback -- Change password -- Update user settings - Improve project loader panel - Improve stock list loader panel - Improve algorithm picker panel - Add edit-in-place for stock list and component list - Add some kind of grouping by profile in cutlist reports - Automatically scroll results to the top of the page after a successful generation - Replace window.alert and window.confirm functionality in proper UI elements - Clean up the print styling on feedback.html Release 4 (MVP+3): Initial API launch - Write Javascript API documentation - Implement API key management ?: Functionality enhancements - Implement reformatting/rescaling of values on SOM change (stock and component tables) ?: OAuth - Implement login from Amazon - Implement login from Facebook - Implement login from Google - Implement login from LinkedIn Unscheduled: - Implement several new algorithms -- Bundle cutting -- Cost-optimization - Implement better currency formatting/handling - Implement browser-based storage option - Implement movement of objects bidirectionally between server persistence and browser persistence - Implement export to Excel - Implement import from Excel - Implement export to Google Sheets - Implement import from Google Sheets - Implement .NET client library - Create user-custom algorithm submission process - Add an option to put the new-record line and add button at the top vs. the bottom of tables - Add ability to edit a line in tables instead of forcing delete and re-add - Include total cost in the output when possible - Bring back the visual cutlist representation - Add a top-line header to the cutlist table indicating which columns pertain to stock and which pertain to components - Improve the 0xDEAD and 0xBEEF error messages in the legacy algorithm - Figure out why login panel doesn't scroll to the top when shown - Implement ability to encode a project into a URL for purposes of sharing