Cutlist Workbench

This is a simple tool to help you determine what stock to buy and how to cut it in order to get the pieces you need — a cut list. Go through the sections to set everything up and click the generate button at the end to get your results. Some sections have more information that you can expand by clicking/pressing on the arrow.

You can use this for free — forever — and there are more free features available if you sign up. If you're curious about how we handle your data, see the privacy policy.

If you want to see an example, load up this project: Example 1

Release 2, client API version 0.9.1 | What's new in this release? | About this project | Development plan

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If you don't have an account already, you can set one up for free. We require an email address but if you're concerned about what we do with it, see our Privacy Policy (hint: it's not much).

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Signing up for an account is both optional and free. Registered users get extra features such as the ability to save and load projects and stock sets.

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You can use this form to submit questions or feedback. All attachments are optional but they are designed to help us help you better. If you have privacy concerns, see the privacy policy for information about what data is included and why. Your submission will open a new tab so this project won't be lost.

If you're asking for help, sharing all of these will help us help you, but you have to opt in.

General Settings

Specify a couple of options that will control how this cut list will be generated.
System of Measure
The units of length you want to use throughout the project
Changing this after the project is started will not automatically adjust all of the lengths that have been entered so far, so set this correctly the first time.
The width of material (in the units specified above) that is lost with each cut. i.e. the width of the cutting blade

Available Stock

Make a list of all the lengths of stock available to you (such as what you have in your storeroom or what's available for purchase at your local store). If you have an account, you can save these and load them later using the buttons below.
However you want to refer to this type of stock
This only needs to be unique in the table, otherwise it can be whatever you want.
An optional description of what type of stock it is (e.g. "2x4", "4x4", or "1in steel pipe") which can be left blank if you are only working with one profile of material
How long (in the units selected above) that piece of stock is
Optional amount of currency that each piece of this stock costs
Some algorithms make use of this and some don't.
If you use this, enter only a number. Do not use any kind of currency symbol or designation
The number of this piece of stock that are available
Leave it blank to indicate that there is no practical limit (i.e. you can get as many as you need).
Name Profile Length Cost Quantity

Component List

Make a list of all the different pieces you need. If you need multiple of the same type, specify that in the "quantity" column.

To copy and paste from Excel, build your spreadsheet with the same columns as the table below, copy the contents, and click the "Paste from Excel" button at the top of the table.

A name that lets you identify what piece this is (e.g. "B32" or "top rail")
This should be unique within your project but isn't technically required.
The profile that this piece needs to be made from
This must match the profile of one or more pieces of available stock from the previous section.
How long (in the units you selected above) this piece needs to be
How many of this piece are needed
Name Profile Length Quantity


There are different algorithms for calculating your cut list and they are optimized for different goals, e.g. minimize waste, minimize cost, or minimize the number of cuts. You can change this at any time or try different algorithms to see what gets the best results.

Name and Notes

You can optionally enter a name and/or notes that will appear on the printed cut list. Head notes will appear at the top and foot notes will appear at the bottom. If you have an account and save the project, "name" is what appears in the list.

Notification History

Cut List

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